This is to inform folks about the major contributions that falconers have made to restore the peregrine falcon. Falconers donated birds, expertise, time, and finances to save the peregrine from the brink of extinction.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Flame Retardants - The Next DDT?
Peregrine Managment Meeting June 29th, 2009
Personally, I've only seen one 'Beach' peregrine in my lifetime. It was 'Honeycomb'. It was the late Alva Nye's lovely bird which he flew for 15 years.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Return of the Peregrine
Be sure to sign up for their e-newsletter.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Peregrine Delisting in Florida
Florida Falconers,
Today was a historic day for Florida Falconry, the commission voted to accept the final peregrine falcon management plan, delisting the peregrine. Spence Wise and I attended the meeting and spoke in favor of the plan and asked that the commission allow a harvest of peregrines in 2010. There were two groups that spoke in favor or the plan & delisting but oppose a harvest (Audubon of Florida & Defender's of Wildlife).
After public comment several of the commissioners made very positive comments regarding their desire for a harvest. Several stating that they personally want to see a harvest in 2010, that falconers should be "rewarded" for their efforts in the recovery of the peregrine. I feel very good about our chances for a harvest in 2010.
The next step will be the stakeholder's meeting at the end of this month. In this meeting we will work on the peregrine harvest rules. We need to work out things like how the lottery will be conducted and who will be able to apply for a permit, as well as non-resident take issues. I can assure you, I will attend this meeting to ensure the broadest liberties possible.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Peregrine take plan for Florida, June 29th
Peregrine falconry rule stakeholder meeting
June 29, 10am to noon (arrive early, rooms will be ready at 9:30 am)
Four video-conference locations: South Regional office ( West Palm Beach ), FWRI Headquarters ( St. Petersburg ), NE Regional office ( Ocala ) and the larger conference room in Bryant Building ( Tallahassee )..
At the April FWC Commission meeting staff was instructed to move forward in drafting a peregrine falcon (PEFA) falconry rule. FWC staff on the PEFA falconry rule team include the management plan team plus representatives from Law Enforcement, Hunting and Game Management and Permitting. This team has begun discussing the draft rule.
Using stakeholder input, the team will draft a rule for PEFA take for falconry in Florida . This draft rule will be presented to the Commission who will decide whether or not to approve the rule to allow PEFA take for falconry. We recognize there is not consensus on whether to allow take of PEFA in Florida but we need your help in developing the best possible rule for falconry should the Commission decide to allow PEFA take.
Our stakeholder meeting will be a concise two hours. Be prepared to stay on topic. We will focus on developing a falconry rule and the permitting and application process for take of PEFA for falconry. At our previous meetings we spent considerable time discussing falconry practices and issues. The team has reviewed this input with an eye towards what is safe, practical and enforceable.
Interested citizens or groups that want to debate take of PEFA for falconry will have an opportunity to speak to Commissioners at the Commission Meeting when the draft rule is presented.
The anticipated timeline is:
Stakeholder meeting – June 29, 2009
Present draft rule at Commission meeting - September 9-11 (Mission Inn Resort & Club, Howey-in-the-Hills)
If instructed by Commission in September, present final rule at Commission meeting - December 9-10 (John Boy Auditorium, Clewiston)
Please RSVP to Kristina with your location if you are going to join us June 29. All stakeholders will receive a detailed agenda closer to the meeting time. As in the past, if cannot join us you may contact me with your comments for the stakeholder meeting and I will make sure they are presented.
We appreciate your input in this process and look forward to you joining us at the video conference.
Thank you!
Kristina Jackson
Florida FWC, Northeast Regional Office
Office (352) 732-1225 Ext. 101